Tell 'em what I took, man!

Reflections of a repatriated ex-patriot

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

In defending what seems to me a pretty surprising claim by the church that aliens might possibly exist, Reverend Gabriel Funes says, "[H]ow can you rule out that life may have developed elsewhere?" Talk about your grocery store Catholic! I had always thought that the only other-worldly places named in the Bible were Heaven, Hell, and purgatory, but then again, even the existence of purgatory is only inferred.

I'm not willing to do any research on it because I hate Tom Cruise, but I bet this kind of news is just going to be used by Scientologists to try to prop up the legitimacy of their ridiculous cult. Disgusting.

And what kind of ramifications will this have on Catholicism if aliens are added to the official canon? Well for one thing they'd have to revise The Lord's Prayer:

Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done
On Earth (and Pluto and Alderon and Vulcan and SJ-7854930C) as it is in Heaven

OK, yeah, maybe I am having a little bit too much fun with this, but then again, if you believe there's a connection between the Catholic Church and aliens, you'll probably think there's something to this as well:



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